متون زبان تخصصی برای رشته آموزش ابتدایی و پیش دبستان
فرزانه دهقان / خدیجه یحیی زاده / علی شیروانی شیری
سال نشر:
نوبت چاپ:

  " The main objective of the field of primary and preschool education has been to train efficient teachers who are equipped with the latest knowledge and competences in education, psychology of learning, and philosophy of learning and education. This objective cannot be accomplished without the ability to read and understand academic texts and the specific terminologies common in the abovementioned fields. They need to implement such information in their daily learning, teaching and assessment practices. The present book has tried to include the most relevant topics and the most important jargons in the passages which are interesting, to the point and not too long. The texts are chosen based on the newest developments and concerns in the field of primary and preschool education. In addition, it has been tried to include as many specific words and expressions as possible and to add relevant and easy-to-follow exercises regarding both reading comprehension and vocabulary. Furthermore, as one of the main objectives of this book is developing reading skills, each chapter starts with a pre-reading part introducing a reading skill or strategy which helps students to read texts better. Overall, the main criteria in devising and developing this book have been user-friendliness, relevant and updated topics and various types of exercises and practices to help students in reading discipline-specific texts and use and comprehend related jargons. We recommend instructors not miss any part of the chapters as all sections are helpful in developing required language skills. "

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